Insight On Business the News Hour
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
The Business News Headlines 19 June 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
It's the early edition of the Business News Hour and we lead off with clues...we're looking for clues on this the 19th day of June...and thanks for listening!
Clues, looking for clues;
Oh, Oh...this won't make President Trump happy;
Apple said to be moving suppliers away from China;
Amazon to FedEx, "Take that!";
Twitter says you ain't using it's gone;
A phone launch coming;
The world of shrinking bonuses, but you knew that...right?
Those stories plus a conversation we had some time ago with Mike Curtin the CEO of the DC Central Kitchen where it's much more than food. Click here for that story.
Thanks for listening!
Friday Jun 14, 2019
The Business News Headlines and More 14 June 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
You would think that a strong retail report would move Wall Street into the green would...think. It's the business news headlines for Flag Day here in the U.S. and here are the stories inside:
Retail Sales vs. Global Tension - And the winner is;
Bayer buys trouble with Roundup now spending plenty;
Just how much do we love our pets?
600 companies say, "Enough already!";
Foldable phones...just don't get it;
Dad taking time off? Don't bet on it;
Big meat goes...meatless.
Those stories plus our Friday Fun Day exchange with Jeff Pitts the managing editor for Cityview Magazine and Stuff to DO in the DSMUSA Metro this weekend into next week. Join us as we riff about a bunch of things from movies to sports to music and more... To listen to that, click here.
Thanks for coming by!
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
The Political Business - Out to Lunch with Pete D'Alessandro
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
You've heard Quick Bites, three questions for our guest Pete D'Alessandro, now we get onto our business lunch and YOU get to listen in. Inside we'll talk about the world of Chicago and Illinois politics shaped Pete's future. Then it's on to campaigns, the political world of Iowa, a who's who of folks he has worked with and we'll also talk about something called "Democratic Socialism" that, for some, is very scary...until you learn more about it and how you are, today benefiting from it. Click through for the Iowa Advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders...and enjoy as we go Out to Lunch at Trostel's Dish.
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday, hour-long business podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday starting at 5pm Central. You can subscribe on Google Play, PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday at 2pm on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
The Business News Headlines and More 11 June 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Each day we bring you the business news headlines on your time. Today we've got a bunch of interesting stories. Let's go!
The Dow opened higher but will it last;
The most valuable brand in the world is...
Stuff you didn't know: Shutterfly sold;
Will they stop the Sprint/T-Mobile merger;
Iconic products, you know, that are no longer made in the U.S.A.;
Might want to wait to fill up;
President Trump Tweets more attacks;
Did you "smile" for the candid camera?
Those stories and a conversation with the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, Jason Feifer. He is all about sharing with businesses owners and managers that thinking like an entrepreneur will pay big dividends. To hear that conversation just click here.
Thanks for listening!
Friday Jun 07, 2019
The Business News Headlines & More 7 June 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
You would think...think that because of the lousy job numbers posted this morning from the Labor Department the stocks would react would think. It's the business news hour for Friday the 7th of June, thanks for coming by. Today:
The reason the markets soared today;
Let's talk tax cuts and working families;
Parents who work for Nike are mad...really pissed;
A bookseller to be sold;
Another state to sue over the opioid crisis;
A burger that "bleeds" beet juice;
Why universities are shutting down their MBA programs.
Those stories and, because it's Friday we've got Stuff to DO in the Metro with Cityview Magazine Jeff Pitts and his "faithful companion" Trevor Babcock. Have some fun deserve it. To listen in, click here.
Thanks for coming by!
Friday May 31, 2019
The Business News Headlines & More 31 May 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
The business news headlines you may have missed and we've got some high impact stories for you. That, and because it's Friday we've also got Stuff to DO in the DSMUSA Metro with Jeff Pitts and Trevor Babcock. But first the business news:
Word of the day, "Confrontational";
Tariffs and the cost of stuff;
Costco says somebody bought a $400,000 ring;
Guns, Gun Sales and business;
UBER and deep loses;
FedEx changing up shipping days.
Those stories and more along with Stuff to DO in the Metro this weekend into next week with Jeff Pitts and Trevor Babcock from Cityview Magazine. To hear that, often silly, conversation click here.
Thanks for coming by and watch our Twitter Feed for updates about Wall Street. @IOB_NewsHour
Wednesday May 29, 2019
The Business News Headlines 29 May 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Welcome to the Business News Headlines for Wednesday the 29th day of May...where has this month gone? We've got a quick programing note...we're trying something a bit different and putting this up well before 5pm Central. Why? We noticed that getting the news headlines in advance of the end of the day seems to be the right thing to do. So...we're going to try this for a bit. Meanwhile today:
That "Trade War Thingy" just got more interesting;
The markets take a bath on worry;
IHOP pulling our leg...again?
That Galaxy Fold the wait ain't over;
Lordstown, Ohio back in the news;
So, you're "optimistic" about the that a good thing?
Putting ear plugs on smart speakers;
And the favorite airline is....
Those stories plus we go Out to Lunch with our guest Brad Anderson from AARP-Iowa. But before we settle in to order we always do "Quick Bites" three questions for our guest. Let's see how Brad does: To hear that segment click here.
Out to Lunch is a weekly segment where I get to take a thought leader Out to Lunch and you get to listen in on our business conversation. Click through to learn more about Brad, his passion about public service, the new programs being rolled out and how they will impact every family...not just AARP members. Enjoy. To listen in click here.
Thanks for listening!
Tuesday May 28, 2019
The Business News Headlines 28 May 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Back from the Memorial Day Holiday...hope you had a good weekend. Our hearts go out to the thousands who have been impacted by the recent storms, tornados and flooding. It has been a tragic spring. In the news today:
The markets react to falling rates and rising trade tensions;
Amazon not yet done with NYC;
But it may be done with "Mom & Pop";
IKEA is changing up their business model think convenience;
Sports Illustrated is "sold"...sort of;
What happened and why on Wall Street.
Those stories and some new technology for agriculture. Craig Dick from is our guest and we'll be talking about this free new app that connects farmers/ranchers with everybody from suppliers, to dealers to associations and markets all from your cell phone.'s a big deal. To hear that conversation, click here.
Thanks for listening!
Friday May 24, 2019
The Business News Headlines 24 May 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
Welcome to the Friday Edition of the Business News Hour. Today, because it's Friday and we know where your head it at...sort of...we've got some interesting features we're sharing:
McDonald's and Politics;
The Harriet Tubman $20 bill? Don't count on it;
Technology, China and Trade;
Reparations - A history of a struggling nation;
Harley Davidson take a gamble.
Those stories and, because it's Friday we've got Jeff Pitts the managing editor of Cityview Magazine with Stuff to DO in the DSMUSA Metro this weekend into next. Enjoy that fun stuff here.
Thanks for listening.....
Thursday May 23, 2019
The Business News Headlines 23 May 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Welcome to the Business News Headlines for today...and our "Vacation Edition". On tap today we've got these stories and an impacting business interview that can alter your career trajectory.
Huawei says they may just "go it alone";
Amazon said "Nyet!" but Google says "Howdy partner!";
Just what will the Fed do to interest rates...some thoughts;
Look out Chrome the Fox is coming;
How about a device you wear that will track your...emotions;
What might 5G mean for you? An update.
Those stories and in for The Interview is author Deb Rinner from Tero International who will spend some time with us talking about business etiquette and how it impacts your professional life...and yes, she also gives me a quiz to test my etiquette skills. To listen to that...just click here.
Thanks for coming by!!