Insight On Business the News Hour
Friday Dec 18, 2020
The Business News Headlines 18 December 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
We made it to the Weekend kids....Follow us on Twitter @IOB_NewsHour. What a busy day and there is plenty of business news ahead. Here's what we've got for you this evening:
Ford and GM take a pass on the vaccine;
Tesla, Money & Monday;
Stocks fall but oil shoots up...again;
The Fed and Banks and Stock Buybacks;
The "wealth divide" gets...wider by the day;
The Wall Street Report;
Coca-Cola announces job cuts.
Those stories plus some Hyper Local Fun activities this weekend into next week with Jeff Pitts the Managing Editor for Cityview Magazine. We've got a host of things we're talking about from sports to music to "SantaSaurus" at the Science Center. To listen in and have a laugh or three...just click here!
Thanks for coming by!
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Stuff to DO with Cityview Magazine!
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Each Friday afternoon we sit down with the managing editor of Cityview Magazine, Jeff Pitts and chat it up about some hyper-local "Stuff to DO" in the Greater Des Moines Metro. And, yes we often take a detour with commentary. So, what are some of the things we're talking about: The Des Moines Bucs play Friday and Saturday. The Hawks are playing basketball on Saturday morning. Drake basketball is off to a great season. Gena Gedler is going to be at Noce and, nope, not Jewish. Hey...I tried. Mainframe is having a deal on Saturday. Blood drive in Polk City. The East Village is holding the Twelve Days of Promenade. Carols and Coco with the folks from Central Presbyterian Church. "SantaSaurus" is at the Science Center. Jolly Holliday Lights in Altoona and do not forget about Jingle in the Junction in Historic Valley Junction. Have a listen and a laugh or two.
Friday Dec 11, 2020
The Business News Headlines 11 December 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
It's the end of another rocky week and we've got some of the biggest news stories for you from today. Also, know that you can follow us on Twitter @IOB_NewsHour.
California wants in on the DOJ suit against Google;
Remember Clorox Wipes? Remember?
AMC running out of cash...quickly;
The economic outlook for next year - Part One;
The economic outlook for next year - Part Two'
The Wall Street Report;
The outsize IPO world...real or...hyped up?
Those stories PLUS we get hyper-local each Friday with Stuff to DO in the Greater Des Moines Metro with Jeff Pitts from Cityview Magazine. Sports, music, comedy and more are just a click away. Have some fun...and listen in.
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Stuff to DO with Cityview Magazine!
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
It's Friday! We made it to the weekend kids! And, that means we've got Jeff Pitts the managing editor of Cityview Magazine in to chat it up about a host of things from Chanukah to football to ice skating to comedy and music and more. Have some fun already, you deserve it.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and sine local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on Google Play, PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Friday Dec 04, 2020
The Business News Headlines 4 December 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
We're back to Friday and thanks for clicking in. It was a record day on Wall Street and you'll not believe why. Also, follow us on Twitter @IOB_NewsHour. Here's what we've got for you today:
What are investors thinking anyway;
McDonald's franchisees are not happy and why;
The Cheesecake Factory has to pay up;
The restaurant industry suffering yet again;
Working after retirement age? You are not alone;
Here's where the jobs are;
The Wall Street Report;
Movie theaters just got dumped on...big time.
Those stories plus, because it's Friday, Jeff Pitts is in from Cityview as we riff about a host of things going on in the Greater Des Moines Metro...and have some fun at the same time. From comedy at the Funnybone to drinking coffee, Irish whisky and what the heck is the matter with the West Des Moines a shout out to Polk City and Kelsi Ziemann...why not, right? Click here to listen and have some fun already.
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Stuff to Do with Cityview Magazine
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
About the time the weekend rolls around it's time to lay aside the heavy news and focus on some hyper-local events in "Stuff to DO" with Cityview Magazine. With me is the managing editor, Jeff Pitts. Join us as we talk about Disney on Ice, drinking coffee, Brian Regan at the Funnybone, Mainframe Studios and the lovely and talented Kelsi Ziemann (name dropper!), The Holiday Market at the Iowa Events Center, football and Iowa State. What else? The streets of West Des Moines (he got me started....) Des Moines Performing Arts, Polk City and the American Legion, the ARL Tree of Life, the Bucs take on some third rate team out of Sioux Falls...(we hate 'em). And so much more...have some fun already!
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
He's a Pedal Pusher and No, Not Bikes
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Several weeks ago my neighbor Kevin Vandekrol told me why he quit his day job to focus on his business of creating kits for guitar pedals. I made a note to get back with him for an interview about what is a rather obscure business. It's really a great look at how an entrepreneur adjusts to the market and believes that high quality beats price. Kevin is the sole person behind Aion and is part of our series about people who have started their business during the pandemic or who have seen major growth over the past nine months. And the kicker is that he sells his products worldwide. It's a great story...have a listen!
Friday Nov 27, 2020
The Business News Headlines 27 November 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
It was a Black Friday early close on Wall Street and we lead off with some concerns about Black Friday in this the Friday Edition of the business news headlines. Today:
COVID dealing a blow to Black Friday;
Yet another retail closing to report;
A prediction about Wall Street and 2021;
Google is tracking mental health...their own;
Two car makers hit with millions in fines;
The Wall Street Report;
This company is adding 2,800 employees a day.
Those stories PLUS Jeff Pitts the managing editor from Cityview Magazine is in to riff about a host of things from guns to Disney. To listen to that hyper-local bit of of information just click here.
Thanks for listening!
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Stuff to DO with Cityview Magazine
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
We're back with more Hyper-Local "Stuff to DO" in the Greater Des Moines Metro with Jeff Pitts the managing editor of Cityview Magazine. You're just a click away from listening to us riff about a host of things from a Gun Show (hoping for a bazooka for the holidays?), Small Business Saturday, Theater Midwest and "The Thanksgiving Play". We talk about the "big fight", the East Village Promenade (and a shout out to Ray Gun) a little Disney on Ice the ARL donation drive and the Salvation Army virtual kettle program. Oh...and don't forget Thursday and Jingle in the Junction. Have a listen...and some fun.
Friday Nov 20, 2020
The Business News Headlines 20 November 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Hey, it's Friday so why not start out the business news headlines talking Seems like the right thing to do. Welcome to this edition and here is what we've got for you today:
Beer for a Billion;
Pfizer seeks an emergency authorization;
Young people fleeing the cities;
The Fed and Treasury are...well...sparing;
Bill Gates on COVID19 and the U.S. response;
The Wall Street Report;
A housing boom is happening.
Those stories plus our hyper-local look at Stuff to Do in the Greater Des Moines Metro with Jeff Pitts from Cityview Magazine. We're talking hockey, ice rinks, movies, a play reading and Dirt, really. You can hear all of
Thanks for coming by!