Insight On Business the News Hour
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Honing Your Negotiating Skills with Amy Doyle
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Many of us negotiate on a regular basis but the individuals who generally win at the negotiating table make it a point to understand the skills necessary to be successful. Here Amy Doyle the COO of Tero International walks us through the give and take of becoming a successful negotiator and the first tip is to leave your agenda outside. We were totally into this conversation and think you'll also find it valuable. Meet Amy...
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
West Des Moines Historical Society with Gale Brubaker
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
When we saw the presser about the West Des Moines Historical Society we thought this would be a very hyper-local story but it looked interesting and who doesn't want to help a non-profit reach a financial goal. Were we surprised, no shocked, that this turned out to be a national if not global story. Here you will meet Gale Brubaker a remarkable women who does just about everything for this group. Her knowledge base is amazing and what she says about the history of the Jordan House, it's first occupants and their dedication to abolishing slavery is remarkable. In addition Gail drops a serious name: abolitionist John Brown. Finally one thing she said has stuck with me since doing this interview, "We all make history everyday. We just don't think we do." Meet Gail Brubaker:
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
The Business News Headlines and Black Iowa News with Dana James
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Welcome back to the Business News Headlines for Tuesday the 5th day of December, glad you are with us. Coming up some of the big business news stories of the day and an important business conversation with reporter turned entrepreneur Dana James. Dana spent years working at the Des Moines Register and after she left started to realize there was not enough reporting on issues facing Black Iowans. That realization led her to create Black Iowa News. It's not only a cool story but one that is vital. Make sure you click ahead for that conversation. Also, if you want to reach us on social media and if you're on Threads you can find us @Insight_On_Business. And you can hook up with us all day on Twitter or "X" @IOB_NewsHour and on Instagram. Facebook? Sure were there too. Here's what we've got for you today:
Hiring in the U.S. slowed in October and we have numbers;
The U.S. Supreme Court takes a pass on the Wealth Tax;
Batter Milwaukee. Some stadium news;
Murder at Dollar General and a legal challenge;
The Wall Street Report;
The data breech at 23andMe is much larger than reported.
For the interview you'll hear from Dana James the Founder of Black Iowa News an honest to goodness hard copy newspaper that advertises black owned businesses, carries interesting stories and does some "myth-busting" at the same time. And YES, you can subscribe! Meet our newest friend, Dana James by clicking on this link.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Black Iowa News with Entrepreneur Dana James
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
You know how much we love to chat with entrepreneurs and this entrepreneur is truly special. Dana James spent years working as a reporter for the Des Moines Register. From doing an in the paper special feature to the front page it was Dana on so many beats. Some time ago Dana was struck by the fact that there wasn't a state-wide newspaper that featured stories coming from Black Iowa. Enter Black Iowa News an honest to goodness hard copy newspaper that advertises black owned businesses, carries interesting stories and does some "myth-busting" at the same time. And YES, you can subscribe! Meet our newest friend, Dana James!
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Showing Gratitude All Year Long - With Ro Crosbie
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
The holiday season is upon us, the time many people reach out to friends, family and co-workers to express their gratitude. Being grateful, and letting others know that, isn't just for your personal life...but it's also important for business. Here Ro Crosbie from Tero International joins me for a conversation and some tips on how showing gratitude should be a year-long effort and several ways in which you can make it happen. It really does matter. Here's Ro!
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
The Business News Headlines and More 13 November 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
For those of you celebrating Diwali we wish you a wonderful Festival of Light. Welcome to the Monday Edition of the Business News Headlines for this the 13th day of November. And, make sure you click through for the story of Adriana Aristizabal a former Columbian war correspondent who, after receiving death threats, came to the U.S. where she ultimately opened an international PR and Marketing firm. It's a great story. Also, if you want to reach us on social media and if you're on Threads you can find us @Insight_On_Business. And you can hook up with us all day on Twitter or "X" @IOB_NewsHour and on Instagram. Here's what we've got for you:
A new pro-union rule goes into effect next month;
Non-Union automakers are raising wages and why;
That UAW agreement? Voted down at three plants;
Nepal bans TicTok and why;
The trucking system is in trouble and that is a problem;
Amazon has cut jobs yet again;
The Wall Street Report;
Key data points we'll be watching this week.
For the interview you'll meet Adriana Aristizabal who went from a media war correspondent to the founder of an international PR and marketing agency, iVoice Communications. It's a great story and along the way she'll offer up some solid advice for any business. To listen to that conversation, click this link.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
From a War Correspondent to Entrepreneur meet Adriana Aristizabal
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
She has an amazing story. Adriana Aristizabal was a war correspondent in her native Columbia but when she was facing death threats made the choice to immigrate to the United States. After some time working at embassy jobs she decided to launch her own business and iVoice Communications, now a global public relations and marketing firm, was born. As you know we love entrepreneurs and the story Adriana weaves is one of the most captivating we've heard. Take some time to get to know her and her story.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Time Management with Ro Crosbie
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Don't you wish you had more time to do...stuff? We already know the answer is, "Yes"! So how can you become the master of time and not let time master you? Here you'll learn some valuable tips that can alter your life. No, really! My guest is Ro Crosbie the Founder, President and CEO of Tero International the company that teaches this and so many necessary skills. In addition to the time management tips she will also blow a hole in the myth that we can "multi-task". Ready to master time? Here's Ro!
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
The Business News Headlines and More 1 November 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Welcome to a brand new month and the Wednesday Edition of the Business News Headlines. Coming up today we'll cover the latest move by the Federal Reserve on interest rates, some job news and more. Our conversation is with Peggy Huppert the Executive Director of the National Alliance on Mental Health - Iowa Chapter. She's in to talk about the 2023 Annual Conference and make sure she invites you to participate and learn. You'll find that link to our conversation below. Also, if you want to reach us on social media and if you're on Threads you can find us @Insight_On_Business. And you can hook up with us all day on Twitter or "X" @IOB_NewsHour and on Instagram. Here's what we've got for you:
The Fed and Interest Rates;
The September Jobs Report is in;
Speaking of jobs what about clean energy gigs?
Denver gave homeless folks up to $1,000 a month...what happened?
The Wall Street Report;
So, are downtowns really coming back? One group says...yes.
For the interview you'll meet Peggy Huppert the Executive Director of NAMI-Iowa who is here to talk about the upcoming Annual Conference on Mental Health. What to expect and who is may be surprised. Also she shares a bit of personal information at the end of our conversation. To listen in click this link.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
The Mental Health Conference with Peggy Huppert
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
There is an important conference happening in Iowa and you are invited to attend. Here you will meet Peggy Huppert the Executive Director of NAMI-Iowa as we talk about their 2023 Annual Conference scheduled for Wednesday, November 8. So much attention has been focused on mental health issues over the past several years and this event is one not to miss. Also Peggy shares a bit of personal news toward the end of our conversation. Here's Peggy...
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour...and on Threads @Insight_On_Business.