Insight On Business the News Hour
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
The Business News Headlines 16 March 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Midweek and the unprovoked attack on Ukraine continues. Early today President Zelensky addressed the United States Congress with an emotional plea for more aid. Immediately afterward President Biden shared new directives of lethal aid being sent immediately. Meanwhile the business news headlines:
Dire predictions on the price of oil;
But, oil prices sink two days in a row;
Oil and gas companies taken to the Biden woodshed;
The Fed hikes interest rates and what that means for you;
Vehicle production losses and Ukraine...why?
More pain about to hit wealthy Russians;
The Wall Street Report;
Meal kits sent to homes struggle and why.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Monday Mar 14, 2022
The Business News Headlines 14 March 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Welcome to a brand new business week and the business news headlines for Monday the 14th of March. Just ahead some of the top business news stories of the day and a look at what happened on Wall Street. And, stick around for a conversation about motivation from a young woman who is quickly rising in the ranks of the professionals at Tero International, Alison Haider. But, first the news:
Black owned business growth is stunning;
Today oil briefly was trading under $100 a barrel;
Rocky times on Wall Street...again;
Will Russia default on its loans?
Some new Taco Bell news;
Cities who are winners in the new economy;
The Wall Street Report;
Where do college grads want to live? Another list.
Those stories plus we'll reintroduce you to Alison Haider who, just a few months ago was a part-time worker at Tero International but has quickly proven herself and has gone full time. What is it she does and what might this young women have to say about motivation? All asked and answered. Here is that conversation.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Friday Mar 11, 2022
The Business News Headlines 11 March 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Welcome back to Insight on Business and the business news headlines for Friday the 11th of March. And, yes the war in Ukraine continues to dominate the news cycle and worries on Wall Street. Here's what we've got for you today:
The White House issued new sanctions;
High fuel prices have oil producers worried;
Tesla has some bad news for consumers;
A number of Chinese companies face delisting;
A beauty brand is hoping to jump start sales;
This bank got caught shredding documents;
The Wall Street Report;
Consumers and Inflation some numbers.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
The Business News Headlines 10 March 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
The West is still grappling with the unwavering attack on civilian parts of Ukraine by the Russian army. High level negotiations failed to secure safe passage out of besieged Ukrainian cities and it all rocked the world. That's where things were today and it is in a word. Awful. There was other news:
We have an $8 billion problem with cheats;
The markets fell on inflation numbers;
The collapse of a cease fire dented everything;
A drop in oil prices did little to help Wall Street;
A big stock split is coming and you know the company;
So if your company leaves Russia we'll just seize it;
Will Buzz Feed News ever...grow;
The Wall Street Report;
The biggest two words of 2021 were "I quit" why and then what?
And, perhaps part of the answer to retention, based on why workers said they quit, might just be this conversation with Ro Crosbie from Tero International. If people are quitting because they do not feel valued or appreciated how can a company fix that? She has an answer. To listen to that re-boot just click here.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
The Business News Headlines 9 March 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
As the fighting in Ukraine intensifies with now the shelling of a children's hospital in Mariupol and the civilian death toll there reaches 1,170. The world watches in horror as the Russian Army has clearly shifted to a war of terror. Meanwhile these stories are what we have for you today:
Oil prices retreated and the markets boomed;
Why does the U.S. import oil and how much;
When making decisions follow President Zelensky;
We're and consumers turned off by it;
Seizing yachts is one thing but what to do with them...
The Wall Street Report;
Never say...never says Netflix.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Friday Mar 04, 2022
The Business News Headlines 4 March 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Once again the war in Ukraine dominated the news cycle as the fighting enters the second week. Much of what has happened over the past twenty-four hours has had a direct impact on global investments and we'll detail some of that for you here in the Friday Edition of the Business News Headlines:
Elon Musk issues a warning to Ukrainians;
JP Morgan says the Russian economy will tank;
Along with U.S. stocks, Europe is having a tough week;
The surprising job numbers from today;
But they didn't lift the spirits of investors;
Apple to confront its civil rights history;
The Wall Street Report;
How about some good news for Disney+ folk?
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
The Business News Headlines 3 March 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
While we're not much for numbers this episode of the business news marks the 4,100th such report. You might say we've been doing this for some time. Today, on this third day of March this is what we've got for you:
Retail is experiencing a rush toward unions;
Stocks tumbled again today and why;
What might you buy if you had the price of a barrel of oil?
We think you'll enjoy that piece;
This furniture store shutting down all Russian locations;
Fewer Americans applying for first time unemployment;
A look at the nations economic growth;
The Wall Street Report;
The cost of a "cheap date" in many cities in the world.
Those stories plus you'll meet Steve Havemann who sits on the National Board of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul. A chance meeting allowed this to happen and it's quite the story. Plus, Steve is the grandson of famed speaker and author Joe Batten. That and so much more is right here!
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
The Business News Headlines 2 March 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
It was another full day about news out of Ukraine as the Russian invaders pressed several key cities. Commentators are starting to question that logic as street to street fighting takes a bigger toll on the invaders. We'll see. In the news today? Here's what we've got for you:
What is this the "KleptoCapture"?
U.S. stocks rebounded today on several news stories;
The Russian Stock Market closed, again, today;
The major companies what are leaving Russia is amazing;
GM quits its stake in Lordstown Motors and what that means;
Ford just slapped Tesla, big time;
The Wall Street Report
More benefits even before starting work.
Those stories and you'll meet John Dyke the CEO of All States Ag Parts. Learn about the beginnings of the company, how they have grown, his thoughts about employees and where the company is headed next. To listen just click here.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
The Business News Headlines 1 March 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Yet another day where the Russian invasion of Ukraine has dominated the news. While many thought Ukraine would be overrun in the first day of the invasion the people there have slowed the advance of a huge Russian convoy and are reporting the destruction of weapons and mounting Russian troops. Meanwhile Russia has continued its attack on civilian targets. With all of that happening here is what we've got for you today:
That burning cargo ship with fancy cars...sunk;
Markets in the U.S. and Europe tanked again and in Russia;
The price of oil is now over $100 a barrel;
FedEx and UPS have an announcement;
The "hack" can work both ways;
Cable companies under increased pressure and why;
Ford has some news for Russia;
The next big thing in snack foods?
The Wall Street Report;
Big companies want to return to the office but there is a...but.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
The Business News Headlines 28 February 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Russia continued to dominate the news cycle all weekend long and again today. The people of Ukraine are seeing more and more nations come to their defense with everything from ammunition to high tech equipment. Here is what we've got for you today:
This retailer just raised starting pay to $24 an hour;
Sanctions and aid to Ukraine is nearly global;
The five worst jobs in the U.S. and the "Misery Index";
Removing Russian Vodka? What that really means;
The Wall Street Report
Work From Home and the pain it will bring cities.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.