Insight On Business the News Hour
Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Business News Headlines 17 May 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
There was some solid news today…from the world of retail and…manufacturing and it was welcome. It’s the business news headlines for Tuesday the 17th day of May coming to you from the beaches of Florida. Thanks everybody for being with us.
Welcome news from the Commerce Department;
The FBI issues warnings about two retail centers;
The President and First Lady visit Buffalo;
Investors warned about Truth Social;
The erratic behavior of Elon Musk;
Netflix lays off more people;
Boeing got some bad news from China;
The Wall Street Report;
Who says investment people are
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Monday May 16, 2022
The Business News Headlines 16 May 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
It was a rocky start to the week as some weak data impacted Wall Street. It’s the business news headlines for Monday the 16th day of May…thanks for being with us everybody.
The "Rocky Start" explained;
After more than 30 years they are leaving;
Over priced pizza? Who? We share names;
The White House - Jeff Bezos and Taxes;
A major sponsor wants OUT of Canton;
Gun Sales and Gun Stocks;
The Wall Street Report;
Even at $200 a year this chain is worried about finding managers.
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Monday May 09, 2022
The Business News Headlines
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
It was another rough day on Wall Street as the markets seem to be headed into bear territory. It’s the business news headlines for Monday the 9th day of May…thanks for being with us everybody. And, stick around for our conversation with Karl Brauer from we're talking car prices, EV's and more. Here is what we've got for you today:
The bears are out big time;
This shortage is being called a national crisis;
Will Lordstown Motors survive;
Uber is cutting back and why is the question;
President Biden and a big deal today;
He quit rather than go back to the office;
The Wall Street Report;
This CEO says the days of the office are over.
Those stories plus for the interview you'll meet returning guest Karl Brauer who was featured on our Week in Review this past Sunday on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. We'll talk about the price of used cars, what is causing the shortage, how to find deals on and the EV story. If you like cars you'll enjoy this!
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
The Business News Headlines 28 April 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
The gross domestic product of the United States contracted by 1.4 in the first quarter of the year. But, there is a but and that story leads us off today. In addition stay with us because today is an International Day of Mourning remembering the workers who died due to illness or injury while on the job. You'll be hearing from Charlie Wishman the President of the Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO about the day and the 71 Iowans remembered at multiple stops across the state. For the interview you'll been the great talent of John Busbee as we talk marketing and culture...yes, there is a connection. Let's go!
The economy shrank but, there is a but;
120,000 pounds of ground beef recalled and why;
Disney & DeSantis - We've got;
Taking a page out of Costco's playbook;
McDonald's leaving Russia but it's very expensive;
The Wall Street Report;
Charlie Wishman about the Workers Memorial Day.
For the interview you'll meet John Busbee who is a marketer, writer, film producer and the founder of The Culture Buzz. What does marketing and culture have in common? You can hear that conversation by clicking this link.
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
The Business News Headlines 27 April 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
For a while today it looked like the bargain hunters were taking advantage of the dip and the sell-off on Wall Street was over. At least for...awhile. Here's what we've got for you today:
No fun on Wall Street;
Rich people going all in for cash;
Regional grocer Hy-Vee cuts jobs...again;
Amazon to disrupt the convivence store world;
Meta numbers are in and...
It's here, now will buyers buy?
Musk, Money and Taxes;
The Wall Street Report;
Female workers have had it.
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The Business News Headlines 26 April 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
If you were planning on retiring and living off of your Wall Street investments we've got news as the great April sell off continued today. We'll get to that story in just a bit. We're starting off with...job cuts.
They should be able to find a new job;
JC Penny wants to buy...Kohls;
No "All Day Breakfast" for you;
1/3 of Americans eat fast food...daily;
Burger King has a new deal out there;
More supply chain troubles from China;
Oil prices down, gas prices high. What's up?
The Wall Street Report;
Naming names. The companies that paid zero in taxes.
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Friday Apr 22, 2022
The Business News Headlines 22 April 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
It was the worst day on Wall Street since October of 2020 as all three indexes ended the day and the week deeply in the red. We'll be sharing those numbers and what happened in just a bit. But first:
The leading cause of child deaths is...
The Ghost Drone is headed to Ukraine;
Business at Verizon slumps and why;
McDonald's customers re-thinking options;
Anheuser Busch InBev to take a billion dollar hit;
After weeks of deflection news about Koch and Russia;
Janet Yellen on a possible recession;
The Wall Street Report;
Some companies to take attendance...what?
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
The Business News Headlines 7 April 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
It truly was an historic day in the United States and that leads off our newscast today. Also, make sure you click through for the interview as we visit with a young marketer who moved from South Africa to Italy and gives us an update about Italian manufacturer Agri Parts. But, first the news:
The Supreme Court and KBJ;
Covid-19 and Washington, D.C.;
Buying a home in Canada...hold on;
The biggest overhaul of the USPS...ever;
Oil was off and than up today;
The NLRB back in the news with a big change;
Big Oil and paychecks made the news;
The Wall Street Report;
Where are the workers? Are they now entrepreneurs?
And, for the interview you'll meet Caterina Ciani the marketing person for Agri Parts. Caterina moved from South Africa to Italy and landed a job with Agri Parts. We talk a bit about this manufacturing hub in the northern part of the country, plus the family business aspect of the company and the issue of high quality parts for agriculture. To listen to that conversation CLICK HERE.
Thanks for coming by!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
The Business News Headlines 30 March 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
The world was caught off guard today as what Russia said and what Russia did were two different things. Yesterday the Russians said they would scale back their attack on Ukraine but it seems they lied as the shelling of civilian targets continued. That had an impact on the markets. And, stick around for the interview with Jill Watkins and Jourdan McChesney from EntreFEST this year in Iowa City.
New COVID cases climb in Canada;
Russia lies and the markets react;
Sen. Joe Manchin takes a swing at taking wealth;
Pizza, gotta love it. We have a list of the best;
That Applebee's executive about wage update;
Russian oil tankers are disappearing no, really;
The Wall Street Report;
Guess who may be filling your next prescription?
Those stories plus this conversation with Jill and Jourdan about EntreFEST 2022 happening in Iowa City this coming June. Click through to learn more about this premier event, what is offered and get a discount with a special promo code. To listen CLICK THIS LINK.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
The Business News Headlines 17 March 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
The economic data and the jobs data today were surprising even in light of what is going on in Ukraine and with oil. Also, stick around because for the interview you're going to learn about the amazing story of Kemin Industries that has grown from a very modest start up to a family owned multi-national. There is so much to unpack and we've done that. Meanwhile in the news:
Unemployment rolls are the smallest in 52 years;
Several other economic data points moved the markets;
Oil prices climbed above $100 a barrel again;
The sad Russian Oligarch who doesn't know how to live;
Texas Republicans are mad at Citigroup and why;
Amazon now owns a fabled movie studio;
And, the company may have to re-hire a fired worker;
Starbucks to phase out paper cups;
The Minnesota governor wants to give back tax money;
The Wall Street Report
And, we know what you're really doing on Tuesday at work.
Those stories and a conversation with global communications director Lauren Burt about Kemin Industries. Over the past sixty-one years this company has grown from very humble beginnings (like in the living room of a modest home) to a multi-national corporation that is still family owned but responsible for global food supplies. You can hear that amazing
Thanks for Listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.